Filmic Legacy: How to submit a .json configuration file for troubleshooting

If you experience an issue with FiLMiC Legacy, one of the most useful things for our support team to inspect is a .json configuration file. A .json file can be emailed to us directly from within the FiLMiC Legacy app on your smartphone or tablet.

How do I submit a .json configuration file?

To submit a configuration file:

1. Open FiLMiC Pro's Settings menu.
2. Tap on the 'Community' button.
3. Scroll down to the bottom of this list and select 'Contact Us'.
4. This will launch your email client and attach the .json file. Please include your ticket number in the subject field so we know which ticket it relates to, and tap 'Send'.

What is a .json file?

A .json file is a configuration file that contains the following information for each clip stored in your FiLMiC Library:

  • Your operating system version
  • Model of smartphone
  • Available Storage
  • Battery Level
  • The shooting settings used to capture each clip contained in your library (resolution, framerate, audio gain values, aspect ratio, etc.)
  • The clip name (by default the date/time format, but if you use CMS the production name and take value)

There is no personal information collected.