Samsung S20 & S20 Ultra Compatibility Guide FiLMiC Pro

FiLMiC has had the opportunity to test the Samsung S20 and S20 Ultra, both using the Exynos chip-set (we have not yet tested the Snapdragon version).
As has happened in previous models, Samsung do not allow 3rd party applications like FiLMiC Pro and others to use some of their key features.
This is an overview of what you can expect of those S20 devices with the Exynos chip-set when using FiLMiC Pro:
• No 8K recording, max resolution is still 4K.
• No access to Tele lens, and therefore their amazing 100x zoom. Wide and ultra-wide cameras are the only ones accessible.
• No Electronic Stabilization (EIS). OIS (Optical Stabilization) is available.
• 48, 50 and 60fps are supported up to 4K depending on the camera. (Please note that Snapdragon version such as those sold in the USA are likely to be limited to a max of 30fps for third party apps).
• High Speed frame rates of 120 and 240 are supported (Exynos only).
• Cinematographer Kit works as expected at a maximum resolution of 2K. Above that, only gamma curves may be available (for non-native gamma curve, highlight and shadows are also available). Color behaviour panel won't be available above 2K.
• 24, 25 and 30 FPS supported in all cameras.
• Focus and Exposure reticles not supported on Selfie cameras, Only Auto supported. Back cameras work as expected.
• We have detected a new limitation for Cinematographer Kit users: if the Natural curve is selected, locking the exposure or revealing manual exposure arc will deactivate the dynamic tone-mapping, resulting in what looks like a change of exposure. If LogV2 or any other curve is selected this problem doesn't appear because dynamic tone-mapping is replaced by our cinematographer kit curves.
Please be aware of these limitations before purchasing any Samsung S20/S20 Ultra devices.